Twin Arrows, Arizona – Route 66

One of the twins is knocked down or fallen. The site is severely vandalized and seemingly destined to become desert dust.

From Michael Wallis’s book The Mother Road “Twin Arrows has the look and feel of the old wayside businesses along the highway. “

“Inside the small eight-stool diner, fry cooks serve up good road grub–steak and eggs and hash browns–despite a joke menu that talks about buzzard eggs, fried pack-rat tail, sagebrush coffee, roasted jack-rabbit ears, meteor crater stew, braised rattlesnake hips, sautéed centipede legs, prickly pear pie, and lizard tongue pudding.”

The pre-Interstate view of the Twin Arrows Trading Post. The 1946 Jack D. Rittenhouse book “A Guide Book To Highway 66” reads “One establishment offering gas, lunchroom, and curios. At the rear of the building is a small zoo exhibiting western animals. In previous years US 66 ran behind this building.”
Operations were shuttered in 1995.

The ruins are owned by the Hopi Tribe. In 2009 they partnered with Route 66 volunteers to restore the arrows and the trading post building, but sadly the site has succumbed to the elements of nature and vandalism ever since.