Off To See The Wizard


Monday August 7, 1939. “Cleaned house. Sent money to Jeanne. Sammy Peabody, Rene phoned. To bed early.

Tuesday August 8, 1939 “Lunched downtown with Sammie, her friend Lorraine and Sammie’s daughter–shopped with them, and then I bought shoes, bag, + gloves. Dinner at Log Cabin. Walter I. out in the evening. To bed at 12.

Wednesday August 9, 1939. “Got check from bank. Returned papers to Hickson – sent money for Jeanne’s return. Nice walk in the park with Bijou. Nice dinner – to library tonight – home, read, and bed early.

Wednesday August 10, 1939 “Downtown with Zella – Bought hat, comb, sweater, costum jewelry which is to be delivered tomorrow – nite nice walk in the park. Later Tony + Phil over – Rene phoned.”


Friday August 11, 1939 “Met Sam and had dinner at the Green Lantern. Went the rounds – went to Xochmilca – Circus performer there.

Saturday August 12, 1939 “Met Sam in day – later met Marc. Dinner at Canary Den and the rounds again with a very hazy ending – lost my hat.”

Vanessi's lunch counter_tatteredandlost

Sunday August 13, 1939. “Met Jeanne at 8:25 a.m. Breakfast at Vanessi’s. Went to Scotts + downtown – later Nick + Indai over and we all had dinner with the Filipinos.”

Monday August 14, 1939 “A horrible day – spent in bed mostly.”

Tuesday August 15, 1939 “Slightly better today. Short walk in the park – to the bank. Drew some money and sent check to personal. Rene out at nite. Sam and I read. To bed by 10 p.m.”

Wednesday August 16, 1939 “Nice walk in the park. Zella phoned and I went over there. She leaves on the 7 p.m. train for Louisiana. Nite Sam and I walked in the park. ”


Thursday August 17, 1939. “Hot day! Downtown with Jeanne. Bought her some new clothes. Nite: spaghetti feed. To bed early.”

Friday August 18, 1939. “Cleaned house after a nice early walk in the park. Rene called – gets an audition Tuesday afternoon. To Clement Street, bank and shop. Nite: Marc out  with Ann. Bought  Sherry.”

Saturday August 19, 1939. “Picked Bessie up and then all over to Alameda for Palmer’s party – Grand party – Murphy took lots of pictures.”

Piedmont Fire House And City Hall

Sunday August 20, 1939. “All up and Palmer cleaned the house up. Then we all went to Lyle’s home in Piedmont and continued the party – Sam back to S.F. for a Union Meeting. Marc brought Jeanne and I home. No Sam.

Monday August 21, 1939. Sam, Eddie J. showed up this morning. Drunk. Left again and didn’t see them until evening when Jeanne and I picked Sam up at Tony’s saloon!!! Disgusting. Jeanne and I went to the show.

the_wizard_of_oz_movie_poster-2402 as Smart Object-1

Tuesday August 22, 1939. “Jeanne and I went downtown to see Wizard of Oz and shopped. Bought hat and bag. Nite picked up Sam and to Murphy’s studio – party gang there – drinks. On to the Green Lantern and to Louis Fashion for dinner…”

Louis Fashion Restaurant Directory Listing 1941

I am Dan Soderberg, award winning documentary film maker and phototgrapher specializing in architecture, historic preservation and nature.

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